Allison Pregler Bio

Allison Pregler has a similar fashion to The Cinema Snob, but she tends to morbidly enjoying dumb action flicks. Her first review was in late 2009 after becoming popular on their forums. (Under her old username Obscurus Lupa) Then she was asked to be part of the Channel Awesome team. She remained participant on the website through January of 2015, after which Obscurus Lupa Presents transformed into Movie Nights. She also currently runs two podcasts via her channel both covering the Charmed series and co-hosted together with Phelous. After a controversial departure from Channel Awesome Allison officially announced on January 20th 2015 that she'd be revamping OLP into an impromptu review show called Movie Nights with an appropriately-shlocky elevator jazz theme. Seen here or here. Her Twitter profile, Tumblr page and Facebook accounts also feature videos. Do you want to be as good as Allison? Ninja the Mission Force is where you'll find Allison doing the exercises as Interpol Ninja Cheetah. Brad Jones starred her in Jesus Bro! The role of a guest on Midnight Screenings is a regular occurrence. The show reviews horrible film that is aimed at kids, RiffTrax and live shows. It also occasionally features adult-oriented comedy. The first time she was a reviewer was the latter part of 2009. She gained a lot of attention through her participation in the Channel Awesome forum before becoming part of the family. She's been featured on many Channel Awesome episodes, including Atop the Fourth Wall as well as Phelous & the Movies. She has appeared in numerous shows on Nostalgia Critic and was a past member of the family that Channel Awesome had with Doug Walker.

pics Allison Holker feet and legs pics Allison Pregler feet and legs pics Allison Pregler feet and legs pics Allison Pregler feet and legs pics Allison Pregler feet and legs pics Allison Pregler feet and legs


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